
Interim Attorneys and the Power of Outside-In Thinking

October 1, 2024

Interim Attorneys with Varied Work Experiences Bring Outside-In Thinking to Legal Departments

In-house legal departments are tasked with managing an ever-evolving range of responsibilities—from regulatory compliance to risk management and business strategy. To stay ahead, many legal department leaders are turning to interim or contract attorneys not just as a flexible staffing solution, but as a powerful way to infuse fresh, innovative thinking into their operations.

One advantage of bringing in flexible legal talent is the unique outside-in thinking they offer. Here’s how legal departments can leverage this fresh perspective to drive optimized team performance.

1. Bringing Fresh Perspectives from Varied Work Experiences

Contract attorneys often work across multiple industries, company types and sizes, and legal environments, giving them a breadth of experience that traditional in-house teams might not have. This wide-ranging exposure enables them to offer new approaches to existing challenges. For instance, an attorney with experience in both highly regulated sectors like healthcare and fast-moving tech companies will understand how different industries handle compliance, risk, and innovation.

This cross-pollination of ideas from one sector to another can help in-house teams uncover opportunities they may not have previously considered. An attorney with experience in legal operations, for example, may recommend workflow improvements that can significantly boost efficiency—insights your permanent team may not yet have had the bandwidth to explore.

2. Offering New Perspectives to Drive Improvement

Forward-thinking legal department leaders recognize the value of continuously seeking ways to enhance their teams’ effectiveness. Bringing in flexible talent offers the opportunity to tap into fresh perspectives that can help refine and elevate your current processes. Their outside-in thinking provides an opportunity to assess whether existing practices are as efficient and forward-looking as possible.

This approach is not about questioning what’s already working, but rather about cultivating an environment where evolution and improvement are embraced. By being open to new ideas, you signal a commitment to excellence, which positions your legal team to remain adaptive, competitive, and ready for future challenges.

3. Navigating Complexity with Broader Insights

Legal issues are rarely siloed; they often intersect with broader business objectives. Contract attorneys who have worked across a variety of sectors and enter the organization with “fresh eyes” are well-positioned to view legal problems in a more holistic light. Drawing on their varied experience, they can offer advice that goes beyond solving the immediate issue, helping in-house teams make more strategic decisions, factoring in risks and opportunities they might not have anticipated.

For instance, in a complex litigation case, an attorney with fast-paced litigation experience may recommend strategies and best practices from their experience with prior cases, potentially saving time and enhancing the outcome.

4. Introducing Operational Tools

Some interim attorneys also bring expertise in legal operations, having implemented or used tools, processes, and operational strategies across different organizations. Their operational experience allows them to suggest or introduce valuable technologies for the team to research and consider based on its needs.

These enhancements can create lasting efficiencies within your department, ensuring that your team remains organized, responsive, and capable of managing workloads effectively. The impact of these tools can extend well beyond the contract attorney’s tenure, contributing to a more robust operational framework.

Fostering A Culture of Learning

Beyond the legal expertise they contribute to your team, interim attorneys are sources for new ideas. Legal departments that recognize and embrace the outside-in thinking these professionals bring can foster a culture of learning. By integrating fresh perspectives, your teams become more adaptable, innovative, and well-equipped to handle the complexities of today’s legal landscape.

If you’re seeking the right flexible or interim attorney for your team, contact us to find the legal talent you need with Latitude.

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